Asylum seekers – Prefecture of Val-de-Marne

Mis à jour le 28/07/2021


1. First contact


I am an asylum seeker in the Île-de-France region.

I call the number +33 1 42 500 900 from Monday to Friday / 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m in order to obtain an appointment with a first reception structure for asylum seekers (SPADA).


I receive a summon by text message

I come for my appointment at the SPADA in Créteil - France Terre d´Asile (address : 11 Rue Olof Palme 94000 Créteil) - at the date and time indicated on the summon

There, I will be pre-registered for an appointment to the single-desk contact point for asylum seekers (GUDA).


I come for my appointment at the GUDA (address : 15 Rue Claude Nicolas Ledoux 94000 Créteil) - at the date and time indicated on the summon.

2. Renewal of an asylum application certificate

I send by post my request to renew my “attestation de demandeur d’asile” (asylum application certificate) to the Asylum Office of the Prefecture of Val-de-Marne (21/29 Avenue du Général de Gaulle 94038 Créteil Cedex).


Boite aux lettres Asile
I submit my renewal request directly on site, using the "asylum" red mailbox located outside the Prefecture.

Required papers:

- previous asylum application certificate (original or copy);

- proof of residence in the Val-de-Marne department (less than 3 months old);

- copy of the registration letter from the OFPRA Office Français de Protection des Réfugiés et des Apatrides. Office chargé notamment de l'instruction des dossiers de demandes d'asile enregistrées au GUDAfile (first issuance);

- a stamped envelope with the name and address of the asylum seeker.

 In reply, my asylum application certificate will be sent back to me by return post.

 Any incomplete application will not be considered and returned to the sender.

  •  If I am under the Dublin procedure : I honor my summons given to me during the GUDA Guichets uniques des demandeurs d'asile. Structure chargée notamment de l'enregistrement du demandeur au niveau de la préfecture et de l'OFII. interview. No request for renewal should be sent by post.
  •  If I have been oriented to the provinces (regional orientation), I go to the indicated Prefecture as defined in my application file.

3. Review or reopening of asylum application

To submit a request to reopen or review my application : I call the number +33 1 42 500 900 from Monday to Friday / 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m in order to obtain an appointment with the GUDA.

4. Grant/Renewal of an international protection (refugee status or subsidiary protection)

I make an online appointment via the Prefecture of Val-de-Marne website ( to obtain the first issuance or renewal of my receipt for residence permit.

On the date of the appointment, I go to counter n°18 with the required papers:

- previous asylum application certificate or previous receipt for residence permit;

- copy of the OFPRA Office Français de Protection des Réfugiés et des Apatrides. Office chargé notamment de l'instruction des dossiers de demandes d'asile enregistrées au GUDAor CNDA Cour Nationale du Droit d'Asile. Juridiction administrative de recours aux décisions de rejet de l'OFPRA decision recognizing the international protection;

- proof of residence in the Val-de-Marne department (less than 3 months old);

- a recent photo